Friday 7 October 2011

where did the time go??

OK it has been a while.. End of November is the day! lol.
His tickets have all been payed for etc so with luck i will be pregnant this december (though wont find out til jan) questions are flooding my head now.. it is so hard to find out legal information regarding surrogacy in NZ. from what i understand NZ doesn't have surrogacy laws, more guidelines around the adoption act??? so can't "sell" the baby or make any profit from it.. But do i have to officially adopt the baby out to the father or? will he be able to leave the country with the new born baby with out the mother?? will i be forced to pay child support payments because we do not have "shared care" of "our" child?? on a lighter note i am REALLY looking forward to being pregnant, and giving birth. i had two really great births with my kids and i am actually looking forward to doing it again.. no im not wierd, im a limited addition!!
Also we have agreed to go about concieving by using a home A.I kit.. not really sure about what to do there.. im sure itl b strait ford??
having my 21st party in 3 weeks! also found out my best friend is pregnant too so we will b able to be pregnant buddies 2gether LMAO! (hopefully)..
anyway i wont leave it so long nxt time.. maybe..

Thursday 28 July 2011

29th July

So i haven't heard back from the lovely couple i was going to have the baby for and in the mean time a man from the U.K has been in touch and - CRAZY- he is flying over here in november to start the process.. so another baby bump will be on the way very soon!!! i am a little excited, a little scared, but i know i am doing such an amazing thing. So i have an operation next week to sort out my legs once and for all, i am going to celebrate my 21st in September then straighten my self out in time for november. i am going to do everything right this time.. be proud of my pregnant belly, ignore judgemental glares from old ladies and enjoy every moment of it.. and probly complain about the aches and pains that comes with being pregnant! hahaha! so until next time..
 "over and out" lol

Wednesday 8 June 2011

8/6/2011 - day 8

Man this is a loooonnnngg process... i am still recieving emails from other hopefull parents. aswell as the guy from canada that wanted me to have his baby, i have also been offered a free flight and accomodation in san diago aswell as a large amount of compensasion money.. and another american mum who wants me to have her baby because she couldn't bear the pain of childbirth.. and wanted the surrogate mother to move over there so she could keep a close eye on them to make sure they were eating healthy. oh please! if i am going to chose who's baby i going to have, itd definately be for someone who can't bear the pain of NOT BEING ABLE TO HAVE CHILDREN THEMSELVES! lol this is quite a huge thing i am doing for a special person who can't have a child. i believe everyone deserves to experience parenthood and no amount of money or pain should be the reasons behind why i am doing this!!! OK my rant is over now.. Oh and im not sure if i have mentioned this but every one keeps asking me how much i am getting paid to do this.. ok so the answer is nothing. i told the intended parents that all i want in return is their appreciation and i wana feel really good about doing this amazing thing. Yeah most people get a big handout for putting their body and emotions through hell but my children didnt cost me a cent to have and i know that just fertility associates themselves wouldn't be cheap, so paying me money on top of that for something EVERYONE should get for free, well thats just selfish.. it's not like they are making me do it, i voluntered. and you don't volunteer for something and then hold out your hand and say "fifty thousand dollars please". Lol ok so thats where i am at right now.. the intended parents i am going with are still mulling over weather to use my egg or their donar egg at this stage.. i am totally ok with what ever they decide to do..
until next time. xx

Thursday 2 June 2011

Day Three-ish 3/6/2011

Not a lot to update today.. i have made a definate decision about the parent's i am going to have the baby for.. Had to let down two other people, which was hard.. Next step is to get in touch with fertility associates. I have to under go councilling sessions, i guess just to make sure all is well up stairs and to make sure i am going to cope with it all. Feeling more and more excited about doing this! It is going to be a long road.. and i am just at the beginning..

Wednesday 1 June 2011

So i recieved an email 2day from an interested potential father.. He is from Canada and was wanting to know if i wanted to move to Canada to have the baby, then live there for a year or so to nurse the baby.. This was not what i had in mind, i feel so bad letting him down but i want to have someones baby then give it away. i don't mind travelling anywhere short term to have the baby but living in another country and raising the baby for the first year, bonding with it and then leaving it would just be too difficult emotionally.
I have been contacting a couple from my own country, New Zealand. and i think that is who i am going to go with.. Where to next....?.....

getting started...

Hi my name is Emily and i am a 20 year old mother of two beautiful children. I have made the decision to be a surrogate mother and carry and give birth to a deserving couple's child. Some one recommended that i make a blog of my journey and so this is what im doing.. bear with me coz my spelling isn't great and i have never ever done this before. I hope that who ever reads this enjoys it, maybe i might influence some one else to become a surrogate or egg or sperm donar, or maybe i might inspire other hopeful parents.. Whatever the reasons.. enjoy! : )

 For any one unsure of what a surrogate mother is exactly let me explain.. there are two types of surrogates.. a traditional surrogate is when you have a baby for someone else using your own egg. or you can be a suurogate using the intended mothers egg and it gets inplanted in you as an embryo and you carry it and give birth to it, then give it away to the true parents.
Yesterday i registerd to be a surrogate mother and already i have had three responses.. This is happening so fast. I think i have found the parents i will have the baby for.
Most people don't understand how i could possibly do this. I've been called crazy and everyone i have told has asked how much i'm getting paid. I am not doing this for any money or anything. i want to do it. I am fortunate enough to have a boy and a girl of my own. i am young and healthy and don't want any more children of my own.. so why not use my body to give some one else the little miracle that for whatever reason they can't get themselves.
Well so far i have had 3 people wanting to use my tummy.. i have got back to one couple at this stage and it all looks hopefull! i will keep up to date and hopefully you will soon be reading of my pregnancy....